Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Your public needs you"

So my sister Chelsea told me that I was a loser-slacker-bum because I hadn't blogged for a few weeks. Sheesh. Leave it to a slug to ruin my plot...

I'm not sure what that plot was anyway.

So. Life here in Idaho is full of wetness. It has rained a lot for the last 3 weeks, which is quite beautiful. This amazing coincidence coincided quite well with my being sick for 2.5 weeks. Yes, you heard me, 2.5 weeks with 0% APR financing for the first 6 months. Buy now!

What was I sick with you may ask? I'm not telling. It did involve a lot of Kleenex, a few garbage cans, a fight with a dragon, and some cough drops. Happily I am feeling better now, though the same can't be said of the dragon.

Chelslug, what kind of public would ASK for this torture?

What else... oh yes, I bought some new shoes a few weeks ago. This is causing me to realize that my old shoes are pretty trashed. The new ones actually make my feet feel better when I wear them, though they don't make anyone happy the moment I take them off. Somehow something crawls into them and dies while my feet are wearing them, so upon taking them off the smell of death hangs in the air. It is somewhat disturbing.

That was a lot of "some's" in the last sentence.

Well, thank you for being such a good "public." Adieu for now.


  1. Hmm..."A few garbage cans," huh? Reminds me of a guy I once saw in the testing center. Remind me to tell you the story. Oh, and I'm sure you did have plot (a genius one, at that).

  2. Wow, where do I start....The shoe thing was rather disturbing. Two words. Odor Eaters!!!!

  3. Glad you're still alive. It will be fun to see you back in Provo this fall.
